Friday, December 01, 2006

Dec 1st, Winter is showing its nose...

Hi to you, folks who are reading my blog!

Long time no write, already a month and a half has passed since my last post. Nothing important desserves a new post meantime, actually nothing I want to go public. (cos I cannot share my time and life everyday, I have my own secret gardens)

The good thing is I keep faith in future, in my tender and sweet lover I try to talk with as often as we can. Time shift doesn't help us. But I don't care and I can pay the price till the D day.

Late this evening, it was raining snows, yes u read it right, very weird! Ice was formed here and there. Very nice though ;) Of course, it was kinda freezing but not quite.

This is the moments not to stay alone, lonely and to have one's lover nearby to warm you up. I have to wait a little bit more before seeing and feeling her again.

On other hand, I still work for the same company since last year, but for how long I cannot tell. The jobs market is rude here comparing to what I've know in France, at least in Paris and surroundings. "Business is business" has its full meaning here, and to me, not for the Best! Humans are just economic factors, not human beings. I won't continue and develop some other things I can hardly bear on this new hosting land. Northern American standards of life irritate me somehow. Maybe, I'm more french than ever, more than I can think I am and I could become. Good for me, I'd like to say, for I'm crazy for a french woman ;)

Well, that's it for now. Maybe some photos here soon. It's been a while I haven't shot a single picture.

So long my dear readers. Enjoy the Winter Time ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salut AT! Je venais sur ton blog pour te demander si tu aurais des contacts de photographes professionnels sur la région parisienne et si oui, si tu pourrais me donner leurs coordonnées. Pas de photographe artistique mais plutôt spécialisés dans la photographie "industrielle". Le modèle à "shooter" n'a pas des les mensurations mannequin... Sinon, j'espère que tu gardes le moral malgré les petits tracas que tu sembles rencontrer en ce moment. Vois le bon côté des choses, tu as une sweetie dans ta vie et ca semble fonctionner entre vous, c'est précieux non?! Avec un peu d'avance, je te souhaite de passer d'excellentes fêtes de fin d'année.
Bises. CC