Sunday, February 19, 2006

February 19th, 2006 - Moments

Hi faithful readers,

It's been a while I've been posting nothing. Sorry about that.

I've been living up and down moments meantime but lately, I feel love overwhelming me.

Professionally speaking, things are alright, lots of work and responsabilities, at my level. I'll be back soon to show you few pictures and tell you a little more about my recent evolution ;)

Best to you all and ...


Anonymous said...

Love overwhelming you? Hum, you already said too much. Now you got to tell the whole story ;-)) Glad to hear that you're doing great. Don't forget about new pictures!

Anonymous said...

Evolution? what you walking upright now ;-) Good for you AT those Mylene Farmer CDs finally paid off and seduced a young canuck. Takecare. Jonny

ATL or just Antoine or Tony said...

Thank you guys for your comments.

All I can tell is she's french, in PVT here and has to go back to France soon so I will be lonely again for a while :-( That's the worst part in the Best I'm living right now.

Pictures are coming ASAP.

"Love hurts" as sang Nazareth

Anonymous said...

LOL... Think positive! Here's a feminine point of view. Take it or leave it but if your love story wasn't serious, I believe that a "broken" heart will probably seduce most girls from any nationality. Go, go Casanova ;-)

PS: what does PVT stands for??

ATL or just Antoine or Tony said...

hey who talked to me and called me Casanova ? :)

PVT stand for :
# Programme vacances-travail (PVT)
Le PVT vous permet d'acquérir une formation pratique aux États-Unis pendant une période allant de un à 12 mois. Il vous offre l'occasion d'apprendre des techniques pratiques que vous pourrez intégrer à vos connaissances dans une future carrière au Canada ou dans votre pays d'origine.
En partant de programmes et de services existants, les ministères du gouvernement et organismes qui participent à la Stratégie emploi jeunesse travaillent avec d'autres ordres de gouvernement, des institutions privées non gouvernementales, des organismes bénévoles et des familles canadiennes.