Wednesday, October 29, 2008

First real Snow last night, October 28-29

Early this morning, some snow was there on the floor, cars roof... and some are still flowing, falling...

Mont-Royal has another face with little white coat over the trees.

Winter is approaching slowly and surely.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd, 2008 - Autumn/Fall is already there

Hi all folks,

Long time no blog since the last time.

I'm moved in since last July 1st and we all are settled up in our new and cosy appartment. It was about time that it looks like something.

Time goes by so fast and now the Fall is back, not for very long, unfortunately.

And soon afterwards, the cold and so frightened winter ;-)

Otherwise, I'm happy with my new & couple life. Not easy to deal at any moment but we get along and talk to each other very often to explain ourselves.

Work is still so-so but I have wonderful collegues for most of them.

Back in France for more than 2 weeks at the end of 2008, visiting family that I miss so much and for so long, changing and breathing fresh family and familiar air.

Some words to share some news... Some Photos soon.

Till the next time, take good care of you and your loving fellas.


Sunday, June 01, 2008

June, 1st

Hi folks,

This Sunday is just June the First, nothing special actually. Feeling free and feeling like to add a new post after such a long silence.

Lots had happen since the last time. Where to start? Maybe with a bad and sad news regarding an unexpected event that came to the life of mine and my lovely GF.

Late March, after a hard week of work, on a Friday evening. We discover that we are victims of our appartment robbery. Among our cheerest stolen things, most of priceless jewels, laptops and my beloved photography gear. No insurance unfotunately to ease our pain. We've been through one of the hardest days, weeks after that.

Now, things get much better. We are rebuiling our lost goods. We are moving away from the damned appartment that makes us feel uncomfortable for a while, with lots of problems unsolved with the owner. Another new life is waiting for us, right ahead. Starting from late June, early July 2008

In the meantime, let's enjoy cool music and videos together.

Enjoy and have fun.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Happier Days Are Coming... New Life

Long time no blog, as usual or often one can say. My GF is coming back for good this Monday (Feb 4th). I'm so happy and glad after 2 years of distant relationship with short times spent together here and there. Unumbered hours on the phone almost everyday, often twice a day even our time difference (GMT-5 vs. GMT+1). Those days are almost over...

Just to share with you guys that happy days are coming with this old song... LOL

and a less oldies song...

Maybe the following song is not the Best for the situation but translate somehow my sweet feeling for the next "life" I will have from this Monday, Feb 4th

Happiness to all of you, with your other half or the future lover, whoever he/she could be.