Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fall showing its Charm

Some pictures shot from a wonderful journey in a marvellous land on the weekend of October 7th to 9th.

Below are some others I've carefully selected from a series of 624 shots ;)

Leaves are falling. Trees getting undressed. Cold is back. Winter is coming pretty soon. I'm feeling lonely some days after my lover and me hanged up each other, saying goodbye and talk again the very next day.

Despite the long distance separing us, our love stands strong and I keep faith of tomorrow. Then I feel less lonely, happy like ever, like the very first days I feli in love with her. Besides, I'm lucky to have friends with whom I spend good times, helping me through the days of loneliness.

I'd like to rewrite the song "Goodbye my Lover, Goodbye my Friend" by James Blunt to read "Hello" instead, but I won't do that cos having too much respect for James ;) Thanks James, BTW for those good songs (You're Beautiful, High, Tears and Rain, No Bravery, Cry)

Take good care of yourself and people you love, folks and friends.